Access GET, POST or COOKIE input variables and more ($input API variable as a function)

  • Default behavior with no arguments is to return the $input API variable.
  • If given just a $type argument (like “get” or “post”), it will return a WireInputData object for that type.
  • If given a $type and $key arguments, it will return the value, or null if not present.
  • If $sanitizer argument given, the returned value will also be run through the given sanitizer.
  • If the $sanitizer argument is an array, the returned input value must be within the given list, or null if not (3.0.125+).
  • If $fallback argument given, it will return the fallback value if input value was not present or not valid (3.0.125+).
  • See the WireInput::get() method for all options.


// Can be used the same way as the $input API variable
// In examples below the “post” can also be “get” or “cookie”
$input = input(); // Returns $input API var (WireInput)
$post = input()->post(); // Returns $input->post (WireInputData instance)
$foo = input()->post('foo'); // Returns POST variable “foo”
$bar = input()->post('bar', 'text'); // Returns “bar” after text sanitizer (3.0.125+)
$s = input()->post('s', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); // POST var “s” must match given list (3.0.125+)

// You can also move the arguments all to the function call if you prefer:
$s = input('get', 'sort'); // Returns GET var “sort”
$s = input('get', 'sort', 'fieldName'); // Returns “sort” after “fieldName” sanitizer
$s = input('get', 'sort', ['title', 'created']); // Require sort to be one in given array (3.0.125+)
$s = input('get', 'sort', ['title', 'created'], 'title'); // Same as above, fallback to 'title' (3.0.125+)


// basic usage
$wireInput = input();

// usage with all arguments
$wireInput = input(string $type = '', string $key = '', string $sanitizer = null, $fallback = null);


type (optional)string

Optionally indicate "get", "post", "cookie" or "whitelist"

key (optional)string

If getting a value, specify name of input property containing value

sanitizer (optional)string

Optionally specify sanitizer name to run value through, or in 3.0.125+ may also be an array of allowed values.

fallback (optional)string, int, null

Value to fallback to if input not present or invalid

Return value

WireInput WireInputData array string int null

Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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