FieldtypeRepeater::getCustomPageClass() method

Get custom RepeaterPage class for given repeater field

This method returns a custom RepeaterPage class that lives in the /site/classes directory, or it returns a class previously defined by a call to FieldtypeRepeater::setCustomPageClass(). It is unlikely you will ever need to call this method, as it is used internally. But the examples included here describe how to create and define the custom repeater page class files that this method would look for.

Available since version 3.0.235.


// To use for field named "hello_world" add file:
// site/classes/HelloWorldRepeaterPage.php
// with the following contents (after opening PHP tag):
namespace ProcessWire;
class HelloWorldRepeaterPage extends RepeaterPage {
  // whatever you want here

// If using RepeaterMatrix then file would be:
// site/classes/HelloWorldRepeaterMatrixPage.php
// and contents would be:
namespace ProcessWire;
class HelloWorldRepeaterMatrixPage extends RepeaterMatrixPage {
  // whatever you want here

// If using FieldsetPage then file would be:
// site/classes/HelloWorldFieldsetPage.php
// and contents would be:
namespace ProcessWire;
class HelloWorldFieldsetPage extends FieldsetPage {
  // whatever you want here


$string = $fieldtypeRepeater->getCustomPageClass(Field $field);



Your Repeater, RepeaterMatrix or FieldsetPage field

Return value


Returns the custom page class (with namespace)

See Also

FieldtypeRepeater methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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