FieldtypePageTable class

Located in file /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypePageTable.module

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the FieldtypePageTable class also inherits all the methods and properties of: FieldtypeMulti, Fieldtype, WireData and Wire.

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FieldtypePageTable::exportConfigData(Field $field, array $data)
arrayExport configuration values for external consumption
FieldtypePageTable::findOrphans(Page $page, Field $field)
PageArrayReturn orphan pages that match the PageTable settings 
FieldtypePageTable::formatValue(Page $page, Field $field, PageArray $value)
PageArrayReturn a formatted PageTable value, which is essentially a new PageArray with hidden items removed
FieldtypePageTable::getBlankValue(Page $page, Field $field)
PageArrayReturn a blank value used by a PageTable 
InputfieldWrapperReturn configuration fields definable for each FieldtypePage
FieldtypePageTable::getDatabaseSchema(Field $field)
arrayReturn the database schema used by this Fieldtype 
stringGet class name to use Field objects of this type (must be class that extends Field class) 
FieldtypePageTable::getInputfield(Page $page, $field)
InputfieldGet the Inputfield used for input by PageTable 
FieldtypePageTable::getMatchQuery($query, string $table, string $subfield, string $operator, mixed $value)
DatabaseQueryGet the match query for page selection, delegated to FieldtypePage 
FieldtypePageTable::getSelectorInfo(Field $field)
arrayGet information used by selectors for querying this field
FieldtypePageTable::hookAfterReady(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Install our ajax lister at ready() time, if the conditions are right 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesCloned(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is cloned 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesDelete(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is deleted 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesDeleteReady(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be deleted 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesPublished(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been published 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesTrashed(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been trashed 
FieldtypePageTable::hookPagesUnpublished(HookEvent $event)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been unpublished 
FieldtypePageTable::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data)
arrayConvert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally (opposite of exportConfigData)
(nothing)Initialize the PageTable hooks 
FieldtypePageTable::sanitizeValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value)
PageArraySanitize a PageTable value 
FieldtypePageTable::sleepValue(Page $page, $field, PageArray $value)
arrayPrep a value for storage
FieldtypePageTable::wakeupValue(Page $page, $field, array $value)
PageArrayWake up a stored value

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, FieldtypePageTable also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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