$datetime->date() method

Format a date, using PHP date(), strftime() or other special strings (see arguments).

This is designed to work the same way as PHP's date() but be able to accept any common format used in ProcessWire. This is helpful for reducing code in places where you might have logic determining when to use date(), strftime(), wireRelativeTimeStr() or some other date formatting function.


// Output the current date/time in relative format
echo $datetime->date('relative');


// basic usage
$string = $datetime->date();

// usage with all arguments
$string = $datetime->date($format = '', $ts = null);


format (optional)string, int

Use one of the following:

  • PHP date format
  • PHP strftime format (detected by presence of a '%' somewhere in it)
  • relative for a relative date/time string.
  • relative- for a relative date/time string with no tense.
  • rel for an abbreviated relative date/time string.
  • rel- for an abbreviated relative date/time string with no tense.
  • r for an extra-abbreviated relative date/time string.
  • r- for an extra-abbreviated relative date/time string with no tense.
  • ts makes it return a unix timestamp
  • blank string makes it use the system date format ($config->dateFormat)
  • If given an integer and no second argument specified, it is assumed to be the second ($ts) argument.
ts (optional)int, string, null

Optionally specify the date/time stamp or strtotime() compatible string. If not specified, current time is used.

Return value

string bool

Formatted date/time, or boolean false on failure

$datetime methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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