Comment::numChildren() method

Return number of children (replies) for this comment

Available since version 3.0.153.


$qty = $comment->numChildren([ 'minStatus' => Comment::statusApproved ]); 


// basic usage
$int = $comment->numChildren();

// usage with all arguments
$int = $comment->numChildren(array $options = []);


options (optional)array

Limit return value by specific properties (below):

  • status (int): Specify Comment::status* constant to include only this status
  • minStatus (int): Specify Comment::status* constant to include only comments with at least this status
  • maxStatus (int): Specify Comment::status* constant or include only comments up to this status
  • minCreated (int): Minimum created unix timestamp
  • maxCreated (int): Maximum created unix timestamp
  • stars (int): Number of stars to match (1-5)
  • minStars (int): Minimum number of stars to match (1-5)
  • maxStars (int): Maximum number of stars to match (1-5)

Return value


Comment methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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