ProcessWire PHP Coding Style Guide v1.0

This PHP style guide represents the coding style preferred for the ProcessWire core.

It is also recommended (though certainly not required) for 3rd party modules and other code using the ProcessWire API, unless an existing coding standard is already in place or preferred. Use of this coding standard is however requested for code submissions (pull requests) to the ProcessWire core.

The ProcessWire coding style guide is based on PSR-1 and PSR-2 (with many sections copied directly from them), but with several important differences and additions. Read more in our Introduction to the ProcessWire Coding Style Guide.

Table of Contents

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

1. Overview

1.1. Summary

*An asterisk is appended to lines that vary significantly from the PSR style guides.

  • Files MUST use only <?php and <?= tags.

  • Files MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM for PHP code.

  • Class names MUST be declared in StudlyCaps.

  • Class constants SHOULD be declared in camelCase.*

  • Method names MUST be declared in camelCase.

  • Code MUST use tabs for indenting, not spaces.*

  • Code MUST use syntax compatible with PHP 5.3.8 or newer.* (PW core only)

  • There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length and it is RECOMMENDED that line length not exceed 120 characters except in some circumstances (see Lines).*

  • Opening braces for classes MUST go on the same line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.*

  • Opening braces for methods MUST go on the same line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.*

  • Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods.

  • Control structure keywords, method/function calls, and method/function declarations MUST NOT have one space after them.*

  • Opening braces for control structures MUST go on the same line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.

  • Opening parentheses for control structures MUST NOT have a space after them, and closing parentheses for control structures MUST NOT have a space before.

  • Use PHPDoc for describing classes, methods, properties, arguments, return values, hookable methods, or anything else beneficial to documentation or IDEs.*

  • Make string constants translatable for multi-language support.*

1.2. Example

This example encompasses some of the rules below as a quick overview:


 * Class Sample
 * Description of what the class does.
 * @method int hookableMethod($a, $b)
class Sample extends WireData implements Module {

     * Description of sampleConstant
    const sampleConstant = 1;

     * Description of sampleProperty
     * @var bool
    protected $sampleProperty = true;

     * Description of sampleFunction
     * @param int $a Description of a
     * @param int|null $b Description of b
    public function sampleFunction($a, $b = null) {
        if($a === $b) {
        } else if($a > $b) {
        } else {
            BazClass::bar($arg2, $arg3);

     * Description of hookableMethod
     * @param int $a Description of a
     * @param int $b Description of b
     * @return string Description of return value
    public function ___hookableMethod($a, $b) {
        $result = $a + $b;
        return sprintf($this->_('The result is %s'), $result);

2. General

2.1. Files

  • All PHP files MUST use the Unix LF (linefeed) line ending.

  • PHP code MUST use the long <?php ?> tags or the short-echo <?= ?> tags; it MUST NOT use the other tag variations.

  • PHP code MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM.

  • The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP, and the opening <?php tag MUST NOT be preceded by any whitespace.

2.2. Lines

  • There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length.

  • A maximum line length of 120 characters is RECOMMENDED, except for lines containing translatable phrases where the length should be dictated by the phrase. Line length SHOULD NOT exceed 145 characters unless it is for a translatable phrase or PHP comment. Lines of PHP code longer than that SHOULD be split into multiple subsequent lines of no more than 120 characters each.

  • Blank lines SHOULD be added where appropriate to improve readability and to indicate related blocks of code.

  • There SHOULD NOT be more than one statement per line.

2.3. Indentation, Tabs, Spaces

  • Code MUST use tabs for indenting, not spaces.

  • Additional whitespace MAY be used between or at the end of lines (whitespace is disregarded in diffs).

For conversion purposes: when spaces are present instead of tabs, each group of 4-consecutive spaces at the beginning of a line will be assumed to be a tab, for spaces-to-tabs conversion.

2.4. Keywords and True/False/Null

  • PHP keywords MUST be in lower case.

  • The PHP constants true, false, and null SHOULD be in lower case.

3. Namespaces

3.1. Using Namespaces

When namespaces are used (like with ProcessWire 3.x), the following are RECOMMENDED:

  • The namespace declaration be placed on the same line as the opening <?php tag, or on the first line after.

  • There is one blank line after the namespace declaration.

  • When present, use declarations go after the namespace declaration, with one use keyword per declaration, and a blank line after the block of use declarations.

For example:

<?php namespace SampleNamespace;

use FooClass;
use BarClass as Bar;
use OtherVendor\OtherPackage\BazClass;

// ... additional PHP code ...

4. Classes, Properties, and Methods

4.1. Class and Interface Declarations

  • Class and interface names MUST be declared in StudlyCaps.

  • Classes and interfaces SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc.

 * Class SampleClass
 * Description of SampleClass
 class SampleClass {
   // ...

4.2. Constants

  • Class constants in the ProcessWire core SHOULD be declared in camelCase.

  • Class constants outside of the ProcessWire core MAY be declared in camelCase or UPPER_CASE, but MUST be consistent in a given class.

  • Class constants SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc.

class Foo {

     * Current version number
    const version = '1.0';

     * Default approval date
    const dateApproved = '2012-06-01';

4.3. Extends and Implements

The extends and implements keywords MUST be declared on the same line as the class name.

class ClassName extends ParentClass implements SomeInterface {
    // constants, properties, methods

Lists of implements MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one interface per line.

class ClassName extends ParentClass implements
    InterfaceC {

4.4. Properties

  • Property names SHOULD be declared in camelCase.

  • Properties SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc @var keywords. There SHOULD NOT be blank lines between the PHPDoc and property declaration.

  • Visibility MUST be declared on all properties (i.e. protected, private).

  • Visibility SHOULD be declared protected if a property has potential value to direct manipulation or access by descending classes. Otherwise it should be declared private. When in doubt, use protected.

  • It is RECOMMENDED that visibility not be declared public unless absolutely necessary.

  • The var keyword MUST NOT be used to declare a property.

  • There MUST NOT be more than one property declared per statement.

  • Properties SHOULD be declared with a default value when possible.

class ClassName {

     * Description of foo
     * @var int|null
    protected $foo = null;

4.5. Properties and magic methods

This refers to class properties that are pulled from the __get($key) magic method, or set by the __set($key, $value) magic method. For example, properties in a WireData class in ProcessWire.

When possible, these properties SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc in the class declaration. Use @property for read/write properties, @property-read for read-only properties, and @property-write for write-only properties.

 * Class SampleClass
 * Description of SampleClass
 * @property int $propertyA Description of read/write propertyA
 * @property-read bool $propertyB Description of read-only propertyB
 * @property-write string $propertyC Description of write-only propertyC
class SampleClass {
  // ...

4.6. Methods

  • Method names MUST be declared in camelCase.

  • Visibility MUST be declared on all methods.

  • Methods SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc. There SHOULD NOT be blank lines between the PHPDoc and the method declaration.

  • Method declarations MUST have at least one blank line separating them from other method, property or constant declarations in a class. If the method is documented with PHPDoc, this applies to the PHPDoc that accompanies the method rather than the method itself.

  • Method names MUST NOT be declared with a space after the method name. The opening brace MUST go on the same line with a space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace. The closing brace MUST go on the next line following the body. There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis, and there MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis.

 * Description of fooBarBaz
 * @param int $arg1 Description of arg1
 * @param int $arg2 Description of arg2
public function fooBarBaz($arg1, $arg2) {
    // method body

4.7. Method Arguments

  • In the argument list, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma, and there MUST be one space after each comma.

  • Method arguments with default values MUST go at the end of the argument list.

public function foo($arg1, &$arg2, $arg3 = true) {
    // method body

Argument lists MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.

When the argument list is split across multiple lines, the closing parenthesis and opening brace SHOULD be placed together on the last argument line, and the method body SHOULD begin with a blank line.

public function aVeryLongMethodName(
    ClassTypeHint $arg1,
    array $arg3 = array()) {

    // method body

4.8. Hookable Methods and Arguments (ProcessWire only)

  • Hookable methods MUST be declared in a class that descends from Wire or any class that implements the WireHookable interface (this includes almost all ProcessWire classes).

  • Hookable method names MUST be declared with 3-leading underscores "___".

  • Hookable methods MUST use either public or protected visibility.

  • Hookable methods MUST NOT force arguments to be passed by reference (i.e. avoid &$arg2).

  • Hookable methods SHOULD be documented with PHPDoc accompanying the method, as well as a PHPDoc @method statement in the class PHPDoc that documents the hookable method call, without the three leading underscores.

 * Class SampleClass
 * Description of SampleClass
 * @method int fooBarBaz(int $arg1, int $arg2) Add two integers
class SampleClass extends Wire {

     * Description of fooBarBaz
     * @param int $arg1 Description of arg1
     * @param int $arg2 Description of arg2
     * @return int
    public function ___fooBarBaz($arg1, $arg2) {
        return $arg1 + $arg2;

4.9. abstract, final, and static

  • When present, the abstract and final declarations SHOULD precede the visibility declaration.

  • When present, the static declaration SHOULD come after the visibility declaration.

abstract class ClassName {

    protected static $foo = null;

    abstract protected function zim();

    final public static function bar() {
        // method body

4.10. Method and Function Calls

When making a method or function call, there MUST NOT be a space between the method or function name and the opening parenthesis, there MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis, and there MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis. In the argument list, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma, and there MUST be one space after each comma.

Foo::bar($arg2, $arg3);

Argument lists MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.


5. Control Structures

The general style rules for control structures are as follows:

  • There MUST NOT be whitespace after the control structure keyword
  • There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis
  • There MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis
  • There MUST be one space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace
  • The structure body MUST be indented once
  • The closing brace MUST be on the next line after the body

The body of each structure SHOULD be enclosed by braces. The braces MAY be omitted if the structure exists on a single line of 80 characters or less.

5.1. if, elseif, else

An if structure looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

if($expr1) {
    // if body
} else if($expr2) {
    // else if body
} else {
    // else body

The keywords else if SHOULD be used instead of elseif so that all control keywords are as readable as possible and remain in consistent English.

5.2. switch, case

A switch structure looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces. The case statement MUST be indented once from switch, and the break keyword (or other terminating keyword) MUST be indented at the same level as the case body. There SHOULD be a comment such as // no break intentional when fall-through is intentional in a non-empty case body.

switch($expr) {
    case 0:
        echo 'First case, with a break';
    case 1:
        echo 'Second case, which falls through';
        // no break intentional
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
        echo 'Third case, return instead of break';
        echo 'Default case';

5.3. while, do while

A while statement looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

while($expr) {
    // structure body

Similarly, a do while statement looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

do {
    // structure body
} while($expr);

5.4. for

A for statement looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    // for body

4.5. foreach

A foreach statement looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

foreach($iterable as $key => $value) {
    // foreach body

4.6. try, catch

A try catch block looks like the following. Note the placement of parentheses, spaces, and braces.

try {
    // try body
} catch(FirstExceptionType $e) {
    // catch body
} catch(OtherExceptionType $e) {
    // catch body

6. Closures

6.1. Using Closures

Closures MUST follow the same rules as defined above for method and function declarations. When use is present, it MUST be preceded by a single space and SHOULD NOT have whitespace after it.

// closure with arguments
$foo = function($arg1, $arg2) {
    // body

// closure with arguments and use vars
$bar = function($arg1, $arg2) use($var1, $var2) {
    // body

// closure in argument list
$foo->bar($arg1, function($arg2) use($var1) {
    // body

// closure in multi-line argument list
    function($arg2) use($var1) {
        // body

7. Operators

7.1. Operators and spacing

PHP comparison, arithmetic, string concatenation and ternary operators SHOULD have a single space before and after them:

$a == $b; // do this
$a==$b; // not this

$a + $b; // do this
$a+b; // not this

$a += $b; // do this
$a+=$b; // not this

$a . $b; // do this
$a.$b; // not this

$a ? $a : $b; // do this
$a?$a:$b; // not this

PHP logical operators MAY have a single space before them but MUST NOT have a space after them:

$a && !$b; // do this
$a && ! $b; // not this

Increment and decrement operators MUST NOT have space between them and the value that they affect:

$a++; // do this
$a ++; // not this

7.2. Operators in ProcessWire Selector Strings

Operators in ProcessWire selector strings MUST NOT have whitespace before or after them. This is not just a matter of style, but a requirement of statements in selector strings. We mention it here to call attention to the difference between operators usage in selector strings and operators in PHP code.

  • Do this: name=some_page, qty>10
  • Not this: name = some_page, qty > 10

8. Strings and Quotes

8.1. Single vs. Double Quotes

For strings, it is RECOMMENDED that you use double "quotes" if the string value may have (or may ever have) a PHP variable inserted into it. PHP variables are resolved in double quoted strings, but not in single quoted strings.

Otherwise it is RECOMMENDED that you use whatever quote style reduces or prevents the need to escape characters within the string. For example, use double "quotes" if your string contains an apostrophe like "it's", or use single 'quotes' if your string contains embedded double quotes like 'click "submit" to continue'.

When outputting strings with HTML markup, it is RECOMMENDED that you use double quotes for the string, and single quotes for HTML attribute values within the string. For example:

$q = htmlentities($searchValue, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
echo "<input type='search' name='q' placeholder='Search' value='$q'>";

8.2. Variables in strings

It is RECOMMENDED that you use variables embedded in strings, when possible, rather than concatenating multiple strings. Double quotes must be used to embed variables in strings.

echo "Welcome $firstName $lastName!"; // do this
echo "Welcome " . $firstName . " " . $lastName . "!"; // not this

If the embedded variable is an object property, of an object property, then you MUST surround the variable access in {brackets}. Likewise, if the variable is adjacent to text in the string that might be confused with the variable name, it must also be surrounded in {brackets}. These are PHP requirements, not stylistic.

// brackets required
echo "Welcome {$user->info->fullName}!";

// brackets NOT required
echo "You have logged in $user->logins times.";

// brackets required
echo "<input name='{$id}_sort'>";

For the cases where it's not required to use {brackets} it is RECOMMENDED that you don't use them, unless they aid readability in a specific case.

8.4. Multi-language Translatable Strings

  • In order for a string to be translatable by ProcessWire's language translation parser, it MUST be wrapped in a $this->_('phrase') method or __('phrase') function call.

  • There MUST NOT be more than one translatable phrase per line.

  • Line length MAY exceed the 120 character recommended length as needed in order to avoid splitting phrases.

  • Translatable strings MUST be a single string that starts and ends with the same quote. They MUST NOT contain any concatenation, expressions, function calls or variable insertions.

  • Translatable phrases within a non-static method of a Wire derived class MUST use $this->_('phrase') Outside of that context, translatable phrases MUST use __('phrase').

  • $this->_x('phrase', 'context') or _x('phrase', 'context') SHOULD be used when the phrase might duplicate another in the same file, with a different context.

  • $this->_n('singular', 'plural', $number) or _n('singular', 'plural', $number) SHOULD be used when translating a phrase that may have different singular and plural translations depending on the value of $number.

  • PHP variables MUST NOT be directly inserted into translation strings, as variable values that change cannot be directly translated. However, variables MAY be inserted by using placeholder strings in combination with the PHP sprintf function.

echo sprintf(__('Thank you for visiting %s'), $user->fullname); // do this
echo __("Thank you for visiting $user->fullname"); // not this!

Considering the above, it is RECOMMENDED that you use single 'quotes' when possible for translation strings, as it serves as a good reminder that variables may not be inserted in translation strings. However, you MAY use either quote style, so long as you remember variables should not be inserted in double quoted translatable strings.

Additional comments to the person performing translation of phrases MAY be provided by appending a PHP // comment to the end of the line that the phrase exists on. For example:

echo __('Thank you for visiting'); // Thank you message shown at logout

9. Using ProcessWire API Variables

9.1. Accessing API Variables

You SHOULD access ProcessWire API variables via $this->wire('var') within Wire derived classes. You MAY also use $this->var when supported by the class. When in doubt, use $this->wire('var').

You SHOULD access ProcessWire API variables via wire('var') outside of Wire derived classes. You MAY also use $var when API variables are locally scoped (as in template files, outside of function or class declarations).

Within hook functions that are procedural functions or closures, you SHOULD access API variables from the given HookEvent argument. For example:

$wire->addHookAfter('Pages::saved', function(HookEvent $event) {
    $user = $event->user; // access current user API variable (or any other)
    // ...

9.2. Creating API Variables

Within a Wire-derived class, you MUST create a new ProcessWire API variable by calling:

$this->wire('varName', $varValue); 

Outside of a Wire-derived class, you MUST create a new ProcessWire API variable by calling:

$wire->wire('varName', $varValue); // if $wire is in scope
wire()-wire('varName', $varValue); // if $wire is not in scope

You MUST NOT overwrite existing API variables (many will throw exceptions if you attempt to).

10. ProcessWire 3.x

10.1. Dependency Injection

All newly-created objects that are derived from Wire SHOULD have their dependencies injected. In order to do this, pass the new object through the wire() method.

$item = $this->wire(new SampleClass()); // do this
$item = new SampleClass(); // not this

Within template files (outside of Wire-derived class scope) you may use the $wire API variable to perform the same thing:

$item = $wire->wire(new SampleClass());

Any objects returned from ProcessWire API functions/methods will already have their dependencies injected. You only need to inject dependencies to objects that you are creating yourself with new ClassName().

10.2. ProcessWire 3.x Namespace

For new projects in ProcessWire 3.x, it is RECOMMENDED that you use the ProcessWire namespace, or declare your own. To use the ProcessWire namespace, the following MUST be placed at the top of your PHP file:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

To declare your own namespace, replace ProcessWire above with the path/name of your namespace. However, unless you have a reason to use a separate namespace it is RECOMMENDED that you use the ProcessWire namespace for simplicity.

Please note that if you do not declare a namespace in your PHP file (reverting to the root namespace), ProcessWire may maintain a separate compiled copy of the file in order to ensure compatibility with 3.x.

11. Other

11.1. Procedural functions

Procedural functions SHOULD follow the same syntax and documentation rules as class methods.

11.2. define()

PHP define() statements SHOULD use UPPERCASE rather than camelCase. Words should be split by underscores. For example:

define("SAMPLE_DEFINE", "This is a sample define"); 

11.3. PHPDoc Style Recommendations

  • There SHOULD NOT be blank lines between the PHPDoc comment and the method or variable it describes.

  • There SHOULD be at least one blank line between the PHPDoc description and any @ keywords.

  • There SHOULD NOT be any blank lines between @ keyword lines (they should stay together as a group).

  • There SHOULD be at least one blank line between the @ keywords and the closing comment.

 * Description of method
 * @param int $arg1
 * @param int $arg2
public function someMethod($arg1, $arg2) {
  // method body

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