$sanitizer->chars() method

Sanitize string value to have only the given characters

You must provide a string of allowed characters in the $allow argument. If not provided then the only [ a-z A-Z 0-9 ] are allowed. You may optionally specify [alpha] to refer to any ASCII alphabet character, or [digit] to refer to any digit.

Available since version 3.0.126.


echo $sanitizer->chars('foo123barBaz456', 'barz1'); // Outputs: 1baraz
echo $sanitizer->chars('(800) 555-1234', '[digit]', '.');  // Outputs: 800.555.1234
echo $sanitizer->chars('Decatur, GA 30030', '[alpha]', '-'); // Outputs: Decatur-GA
echo $sanitizer->chars('Decatur, GA 30030', '[alpha][digit]', '-'); // Outputs: Decatur-GA-30030


// basic usage
$string = $sanitizer->chars(string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $sanitizer->chars(string $value, $allow = '', string $replacement = '', bool $collapse = true, $mb = null);



Value to sanitize

allow (optional)string, array

Allowed characters string. If omitted then only alphanumeric [ a-z A-Z 0-9 ] are allowed. Use shortcut [alpha] to refer to any “a-z A-Z” char or [digit] to refer to any digit.

replacement (optional)string

Replace disallowed chars with this char or string, or omit for blank. (default='')

collapse (optional)bool

Collapse multiple $replacement chars to one and trim from return value? (default=true)

mb (optional)bool, null

Specify bool to force use of multibyte on or off, or omit to auto-detect. (default=null)

Return value


$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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