Fieldtype::getDatabaseSchema() method

Get the database schema for this field

  • Should return an array like in the example below, indexed by field name with type details as the value (as it would be in an SQL statement).

  • Indexes are passed through with a keys array. Note that pages_id as a field and primary key may be retrieved by starting with the parent schema return from the built-in getDatabaseSchema() method.

  • At minimum, each Fieldtype must add a data field as well as an index for it.

  • If you want a PHP NULL value to become a NULL in the database, your column definition must specify: DEFAULT NULL.


 'data' => 'mediumtext NOT NULL',
 'keys' => array(
   'primary' => 'PRIMARY KEY (`pages_id`)',
   'FULLTEXT KEY data (data)',
 'xtra' => array(
   // optional extras, MySQL defaults will be used if omitted
   'append' =>
     'ENGINE={$this->config->dbEngine} ' .
     'DEFAULT CHARSET={$this->config->dbCharset}'

   // true (default) if this schema provides all storage for this fieldtype.
   // false if other storage is involved with this fieldtype, beyond this schema
   // (like repeaters, PageTable, etc.)
   'all' => true,


$array = $fieldtype->getDatabaseSchema(Field $field);



In case it's needed for the schema, but typically isn't.

Return value


Fieldtype methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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